2019 Holiday Sales
1- 20% off any of the sessions
2- Pay now, Use later mini sessions
Pay Now, Use Later Mini Session Sale
Pay Now, Use Later
Mini Sessions for 2019, 2020 $175
(this will be $225 in 2020)
Purchase any mini sessions for Fall 2019 and 2020 for $175.
This price is guaranteed for 2020, you will be the first to be notified via emails when mini sessions are released
- two days of mini sessions (April and May) in Spring 2020
- two days of mini sessions in Fall (October and November) of 2020
terms and conditions:
- $175 mini sessions price guarantee will be expired on 12/31/2020.
- You can purchase this as a gift (name/phone number/email to be specified at time of purchase)
- If you don't use this by December 31, 2020, the full amount can be used towards any future sessions.
- This credit is not transferable to another family.